USMLE step1 (Falcon Reviews) анатомия, ч3

21 Thoracic Wall and Breast
22 Thoracic Cavity and Lungs
23 Heart
24 Development of the Heart
25 Posterior Mediastinum and Diaphragm
26 Abdominal Wall
27 Abdominal Cavity and Development
28 Abdomial Organs
29 Abdominal Vessels and Autonomics
30 Posterior Abdominal Wall and Urinary Development

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USMLE step1 (Falcon Reviews) анатомия, ч1

01 Timelines and Teratogens
02 Fertilization to Implantation
03 Placentation
04 Twinning through Neurulation
05 Folding of the Embryo
06 Somites and Muscle Development
07 Skeleton and Vertebral Development
08 Regions of Spine and Curvatures
09 Bsic Nervous System and Referred Pain
10 Lower Limb Organization

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Видео-уроки по спланхнологии (часть 2)

Часть 2: дыхательная система, выделительная система, глотка, гортань, полость носа и полость рта.

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